


In addition to his eighteen published books José Porfirio Miranda left over one hundred notebooks with an average of three hundred fifty handwritten pages.

CEF Miranda has scanned in pdf format the eight notebooks, Series I, on Hegel’s Philosophy; the four notebooks on the Philosophy of Law as a subsection of Philosophy and Jurisprudence (Rechtsphilosphie), and the seventeen notebooks on Philosophy os Science. Samples can be found herefor each notebook. Each complete notebook is offered in PDF format at a nominal price.

In January 2007 the scanning of Series II on Hegel’s Philosophy will begin. Later on, the notebooks on Marx and Engels (MEW) will take place and it is expected that towards the end of 2007 the series of notebooks on exegetic themes (his philosophical and theological uni- versity lectures and tractates) will be completed.



José Porfirio Miranda’s manuscripts are a legacy belonging to RORAC Foundation. As has been said they are registered in the National Institute of Author’s Rights. They are documents for your study and for publicizing as long as the source is quoted and the author acknowledged.